Monday, November 9, 2009

The school district of which Anthony was a part split this year. As a result, Anthony is attending a new school with teachers and aides who are unfamiliar with him. After the recent incident with the school bus window, the relationship between them and my wife--I have yet to meet them--has become decidedly cooler as there has been what to us has seemed a heightened sensitivity to Anthony's actions. His previous teachers seemed to be prepared to deal with him, but my wife has lately had some of his behavior presented to her in a way as if to ask her what she can do about it.

Alas, Anthony is not helping us out; today's occurrence cannot be dismissed as something that he has done before.

When Anthony is upset and is told to use the bathroom, he sometimes bounces up and down on the toilet as he vocalizes his displeasure. He did that today at school. . . and did it with enough force to break the toilet away from the wall. Water all over the place. I don't think the design of our toilet here at home would have allowed that, but he has indeed broken a toilet seat on one of my parents' toilets previously. Gratefully, my parents are my parents; they did not charge us for the replacement!

Because of concerns about Anthony, we have been asked to meet with the school in a few days. I do not know if there is a possibility for the school to refuse to accept him. That likelihood would clearly present us with additional problems that we do not need.

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