Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our hand soap refill bottle ran out a couple of days ago, followed by the dispenser in our bathroom. I exchanged that with the one at the kitchen sink, expecting it to last until we made a trip to the store.

Yesterday, I was baffled to find the replaced dispenser already empty, then realized when I went to the kitchen that it had been switched back. I surmised that one of our younger children had done it, but could not determine why, and swapped them yet again.

The true culprit was discovered this morning as my wife was trying to get Anthony out of the house to board the school bus. It turns out that he knows which dispenser "belongs" in a particular location, and hurriedly traded the two one more time while my wife waited at the door.


On another note, I saw Anthony's shirt sleeve with what appeared to be red stains on it this evening. Anthony regularly has stains of various types on his clothing from food in particular, but also from something he might have been doing at school, so I wasn't surprised. I finally noticed, however, that he was bleeding from his ear. More disconcerting is that the source was the cut that had received a stitch rather than the other scratches in his ear that had also bled. That suture ultimately will have been for nothing.

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