Saturday, August 22, 2009

Anthony doesn't have a sense of what is and is not acceptable to eat--similar to an infant.  We are never surprised, for example, when he sees a piece of gum on a retail store floor and pops it in his mouth before we can stop him.  Our attempts to intervene regularly upset him, so we are to the point of reluctantly looking the other way.  

Today he was apparently still hungry and not satisfied with his second serving of dinner, so he helped himself to some rabbit pellets in our pet's cage.  My wife re-heated his food and added more salt plus a little cayenne pepper to renew his interest.  He promptly finished it.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I have mentioned that I often shower with Anthony. I wash him first. A concern I have in that regard is that he occasionally sticks his foot out to put it in the shower stream when I am not tending to him. Since he doesn't do it frequently, I am always caught off guard when it happens, and have stepped on his foot a couple of times. I am worried that one of these times will result in a slip and fall. I may need to get a non-slip mat for the tub.