Monday, September 7, 2009

Anthony doesn't have the ability to speak, and that might imply that he is mute. Certainly, he goes extended periods without a peep. However, he does have vocal chords, and often uses them precisely at the most inopportune moments. Despite a seeming lack of recognition for much of his environment, it is apparent that he knows he should not be making noise in certain situations, and he uses that awareness to force us to change our plans, particularly when those plans involve waiting in line or sitting in a group.

If I were to describe the variety of sounds he makes, I would establish a spectrum with Michael Jackson's falsetto "ee-ee-eeee" on one end and Chewbacca's guttural roars on the other. Anthony's vocalizations fall between those two extremes!

Speaking of making noise when I don't want him to, last night was yet another for me without full rest. I was finally sleeping soundly this morning when I was awakened by Anthony while he was in the bathroom, with the door to the bedroom open. My wife would normally shut the door to muffle the sound, but she happened to be downstairs and didn't hear him. Just one more reason to have a bigger house--I would put him as far away from us as possible.

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