Sunday, February 15, 2009

I mentioned a couple of days ago that we have a routine to try to keep Anthony from wetting himself. I find that, on days with less structure, we may forget to have Anthony go to the bathroom at regular intervals, and sometimes we pay for it. Today was one of those days.

Anthony had been hanging around the kitchen as though he wanted something to eat. My wife was cooking, and I was cleaning our rabbit's litter box. As I finished, I noticed that the sock on Anthony's foot was wet. I thought I might have gotten some water on the floor in the bathroom after I rinsed out the litter box, and that he had stepped in it, but that would not account for the extent to which the sock was wet. I looked under his foot at the carpet, which was soaked. I looked at his dark-colored pants and could tell that they were wet also.

I took him back into the bathroom, had him stand in the tub and take off his clothes, ran the bath, and took his wet clothes to the laundry to wash. I also blotted the carpet, sprinkled baking soda to deodorize, and disinfected the bathroom floor.

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