Thursday, February 12, 2009

I had Anthony go to the bathroom after I came home from work as part of the daily routine to try to keep him from wetting himself. As he removed his pants, I found that he was wearing a diaper under his underpants. It seems his "teachers"--I think there may be a more accurate designation for those who work with special-needs children--were concerned that he might have an accident at some point because he had not urinated in three trips to the toilet today.

I have written about Anthony's inability to have regular bowel movements, and that it sometimes affects his ability to urinate as well. He has gotten back to bowel movements at intervals of about five days, but that is again with stool softeners as we continue to use the medicine, Abilify, that has decreased his violent tendencies. I am starting to introduce another laxative, Miralax, to see if we can get better results. Several people we know, along with Anthony's pediatrician, have recommended it.

Anthony has started to adapt to the Abilify, however. We had heard this might be an issue. He is not nearly as docile as he was the first couple of weeks using it, although he is still a considerable way from frighteningly violent behavior. The doctor that prescribed this has recommended that we increase the dosage by half per day.

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