Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Something is eating the tomatoes in our garden. Fruits that are reasonably ripe end up half-eaten before I can gather them. So I have decided to pick tomatoes at the first signs of ripening while still intact, and bring them inside to more fully mature. I anticipate they won't taste quite as good, but they will be preferable to being beyond salvaging.

However, "something" is eating the unripe tomatoes in our kitchen as well. I realized a couple of days after bringing in the first batch that they were gone. Did my wife or other children know what happened to them? No. Anthony was likely the culprit.

I brought in a second bundle a few days ago, and they were again gone the next day. That presents a little more concern than previously, because this group also contained a tomato with blossom end rot that I was specifically saving only for its seeds to plant next year. I don't know if there is any harm in eating such a fruit, but I think I would find it fairly disgusting myself, and would certainly dissuade Anthony from eating it if I were aware.

I am trying once again with more tomatoes. We have put them in a thin white paper bag on the counter. Anthony apparently has not noticed them yet.

1 comment:

A Little Tidbit: said...

Pick more tomatoes, thoses are better for him and don't have the "runny" effect. Mom