Monday, February 1, 2010

Earlier this week, Anthony hit the door to our younger son's bedroom hard enough to rip the lower hinge off the frame. I was upstairs and could hear Anthony getting upset downstairs, but was not aware that he had hit anything until our younger son came to inform me. I am still unsure how one pulls off the lower door hinge while leaving the upper hinge intact, but at least it is a little less to fix.

A couple of days after this incident, we were told that Anthony had grabbed a chair at school, the type with the molded plastic seat and aluminum(?) leg frame, and slammed it on the floor with sufficient force to render it unusable.

One of the side effects of the medication Anthony has been taking is increased appetite and, naturally, weight gain. We dealt with this issue to an even greater extent with a previous medication a few years ago. A heftier Anthony is not a more welcome Anthony. There is the obvious issue of clothing becoming too small and necessitating time and money spent looking for larger sizes. Of more concern, though, is the increased severity of injury when he attacks someone. An analogy comes to mind with boxing: a match between a heavyweight boxer and a lightweight boxer would generally be a mismatch in favor of the former.

Thus, the doctor has recommended another medication in combination with the one he has been taking to lower his appetite. However, a potential side effect is. . . increased aggression. If we continue to see this, I imagine we will not be using the new medication for long.

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