Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I was planning to write about a more pleasant observation regarding Anthony before anything negative occurred again, but I realized this evening that Miralax, the praises of which I have been singing, is the culprit behind the disagreeable episode yesterday.

After I wrote last night, Anthony again had a bowel movement and again soiled his fingers and shirt. That incident occurred once more this evening. As I wiped him after the toilet (I imagine by now it is not a surprise to anyone that he is unable to do it himself), I noticed more and softer matter there than is usually the case. That apparently bothers Anthony, and his reaction to it is to try to clean it off himself with his fingers. It would be great if he understood what the toilet paper was for. I guess I will have to decrease the frequency of the laxative, which may mean we are back to essentially where we were before with several days between movements.

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