Thursday, August 25, 2011

Anthony still surprises us occasionally with violent outbursts that we don't see coming. He was fine this afternoon--making goofy noises as he often does when he is in a reasonable mood--when my wife gave him some potato chips, which he likes. Shortly thereafter, he went off. First he put a new hole in the wall. Then, as my wife attempted to give him medication to calm him, he slammed his head into hers. She described it as "EXTREMELY painful". We wish we knew what to do in these instances, or how to prevent them. He got upset again this evening while I was trying to ensure he had enough to eat. Hmmm. As I write that, I wonder if perhaps he has a tooth that is bothering him. I don't want to think about more medical visits.

I wish I could work from home. As Anthony became angry again this evening, I was reminded that he knows better than to come after me. He tries little things like digging his fingernails into my hands, but he frankly knows that head-butting me will produce a response he doesn't like. None of our other family members are strong enough to hurt him back--and thus get him to stop--when he goes after them.

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