Friday, July 15, 2011

I have intentionally refrained from posting for some time. While I still think there is value in writing about Anthony--and have had several episodes in the last few months that would previously have spurred me to action--I know that anyone who has read through this blog by now has a reasonable understanding of what he is like. I am to the point where the many other projects awaiting my attention weigh more heavily than documenting yet more variations on a theme. I have decided that any posts going forward will be short unless something unprecedented happens, even if they suffer for readability as a result. My apologies in advance.

We have had a rather malevolent virus run through our house, first affecting our daughter for about a month, then recently hitting our younger son, my wife, and, surprisingly, Anthony in short order. Anthony has not been sick since the last post in December while others in the family have been, and we still are not used to the idea of him being ill.

We have been caught off guard with Anthony's reaction to this virus, however. In addition to the continuing fever and cough the other family members have experienced, he has also been hit with diarrhea. My poor--and also sick--wife dealt a couple of days ago with the ramifications of him not making it to the bathroom. We hoped that was the worst of it, but yesterday morning had my wife dealing with an even more severe case without him getting out of bed. She made a quick trip to the store for Imodium and adult diapers. I guess we should have expected that no amount of coaxing would persuade Anthony to put the diapers on, so we are trying to monitor him more closely.

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