Sunday, May 13, 2012

We are getting into allergy season again, but we have a happy development: Anthony has learned, after a fashion, to blow his nose.  I don't know if his teachers have tried working with him on this; I have tried multiple times in the past to no avail.  It could actually have something to do with a show of displeasure that he has recently added to his repertoire, though, wherein he sniffs up angrily at me.  It's comical, but somehow Anthony thinks it is menacing.  Anyway, perhaps he has learned to do the reverse as well, so that I can actually hold a tissue to his nose and tell him to blow, and he usually does it reasonably well. 

On a related note, yesterday I was outside doing yard work when my 14-year-old daughter came out and said hopefully, "Dad, Anthony has a runny nose. . . ."  I asked her if she could wipe it for me, to which she responded, "Um, OK".  Maybe this will be the first step to getting her to do unpleasant work around the house.  Next up: cleaning our rabbit's litter box.