A constant issue for us with Anthony is the need to monitor him virtually all the time. If there is food he wants to eat (that he knows he shouldn't), he will eat it. If there is something he can rip, he will rip it. If there is something that can be broken or snapped, he will break or snap it. Unfortunately, that last obsession has recently come to include razor cartridges.
For Anthony, I have gotten a handle-and-cartridge kit from Walmart. He snapped so many purely disposable razors that I had to go upmarket a bit with him. Now when he snaps the cartridge off, it doesn't actually break, and I can snap it back on. But the problem is worse for my razors.
I have settled on Harry's® razors as the best balance of price and effectiveness for myself. But Anthony has gotten increasingly aggressive recently about going after razors, including mine, and when he snaps off the cartridge, the design is such that he actually breaks it and renders it unusable. I have thought about contacting Harry's to try to persuade them to change the design, but I can't imagine the demographic of parents with autistic kids breaking their products being worth the likely-sizable investment necessary to re-tool the razor cartridge molds.
Gratefully, Harry's are now sold in some physical stores in addition to the mail subscription I have, so I can go buy more before the next scheduled shipment. But, beyond the aggravation and extra cost is of course the extreme worry that Anthony is going to badly cut himself--I'm amazed it hasn't yet happened.
I believe I have mentioned that we don't usually stay with him while he's in the bathroom; if he needs to have a bowel movement it's rather unlikely to happen without leaving him alone. But we do leave the door open so we can hear what he's doing. Generally the worst is that he will get into the trash to pull out a toilet paper core to rip. However, it has also usually been at those times that he gets up and grabs razors from the shower shelf.
Recently, though, he surprised my wife by suddenly heading to the bathroom and grabbing the razors before she could get to him. He's uncharacteristically fast when he wants to be.
So, my wife has hidden my razor behind her shampoos and conditioners. I fear it's a temporary solution and that he will figure out in short order its location.
That is, unless he's already aware and is again biding his time to bolt into action when he thinks he can't be stopped.