Anthony has suddenly started regressing with regard to using the toilet when he needs to. Whereas the occasional problems with him wetting himself in the past could largely be attributed to change of routine, for the last month or so he has defied explanation in choosing to wet himself rather than going to the bathroom when he needs to. We had a period wherein he wet himself every day for several in a row, and two or three times in some instances. I thought he was getting better, but yesterday was yet again another day when he did it twice despite us feeling like we were reasonably on top of things with regard to sending him to the bathroom. We're not certain what to make of it. The only other thing we have noticed is that he has twice gotten up out of bed at night and wanted to sit on the toilet. Once when I thought he had sat there long enough, I got him up and sent him back to bed, but he wasn't happy. The other time (last night), I allowed him to stay as long as he wanted, but he didn't appear to do anything before he was fine to go back to bed.
I have mentioned that we have a rabbit. For our rabbit's litter, we shred cardboard, newspaper, paper bags and the like. Out of convenience, we keep the shredder in Anthony's bedroom and have a stash of shreddables piled up there.
Anthony has noticed us taking toilet paper cores and shredding them, and lately he has decided it was something he wanted to try. I have watched to make sure he isn't getting his fingers into the machine, although the design makes that nearly impossible.
Unfortunately, Anthony is so interested in shredding that he will do whatever necessary to get to the toilet paper core. If that means unrolling half a roll of toilet paper, so be it. If it means pulling the core out of a cheaply-made roll--we have vowed never to buy that brand again!--he will do it. To make matters far worse, toilet paper off the roll must, in Anthony's mind, be in the toilet. So, yes, we have had entire rolls of toilet paper in the toilet. Obviously, a full roll will not flush. What is worse than that is the ones he has had to unravel and put in the toilet. Those have taken more attempts than I want to count to unplug the toilet.