One of the things Anthony does when he is upset is to throw himself on his bed--not just fall down on it in anger, but throw himself on it as hard as he can. He has done this so many times that I noticed the box spring was damaged beyond a salvageable state, so I have put some boxes and other materials under the bed frame and put the mattress on top of the frame. It's better than having the mattress on the floor, I suppose, at least from the standpoint of the occasional bug or spider crawling on it. I think we will eventually look for another box spring, but, knowing he will likely break that too, I am hesitant to put money out for it right away. In the meantime, I have to at some point dispose of the old box spring. It is currently standing on end in his room.
Late in the evenings, Anthony will often take off his clothes after he has gone to the bathroom in anticipation of taking a shower--which of course I have to help him with. Sometimes I am not ready for him to do that, but I try to accommodate him. Lately, however, he seems to be losing track of the time of day: we often see him sitting on the toilet, completely naked. Sometimes we even hear him flushing the toilet and go to find him standing in the tub. That can be a problem if I tell him it's not time for a shower and instruct him to put his clothes back on. I hope this is just a phase that will shortly pass; I don't need yet another type of situation to provoke his anger.